Located near Port Lincoln is an amazing historic reserve called Whalers Way. The name comes from the close association with whaling operations carried out in the Sleaford Bay. A permit is required to enter which can be obtained from the Port Lincoln Tourist Centre.
The brochure claims that the area has the oldest rocks in South Australia located at Cape Carnot. According to the geoscience web site
Oldest known rocks in each State and Territory (sourced 14/3/13)
this is no longer correct as the Cooyerdoo Granite on the Eyre Peninsula were dated at 3157 ±2 million years from the Mesoarchean era. Care is needed at the site as the sea and tall cliffs have resulted in numerous people drowning.
Cape Carnot |
Stunning scenery such as Moonlight Bay, Theakstone’s Crevasse, Redbanks and Cape Carnot are worth a look.
Moonlight Bay |
Red Bank |
Fossilized cockles and root rhizomes are there to discover along with spectacular wildflowers.
Fossil Roots (Rhizomorphs) |
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